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Noteshelf and Noteshelf 2: A Small Review

As a non student and someone who writes a lot (don't let my messy handwriting fool you), I am always buying notebooks and I'm sick of it. I run out of storage quickly or I lose the books or worse yet, they get damaged. So I've recently committed to going fully digital. Instead of typing out this blog, I spent more time handwriting it in the app I was was planning to review. Below is said image.

I used the grid template and then turned it off on export. Going digital is great although I do need to work on my outer margins a little more than I do. Bad habits from high school die hard. I combined the two pages into one image for easy of upload and viewing. Just beware, there will be mistakes.

I had more to say but time was running short and I needed to get this post done, but I got the bulk of what I wanted to say written out with only a few spelling and grammar mistakes.

The beauty of making mistakes in apps like this is the vector style eraser and the ability to cut, paste and shift your writing to rearrange it if the mistake is particularly large. You truly don't have to worry about your mistakes. Although just like paper handwriting, if you make a mistake, you need to double check it with some quick research or use of a dictionary.

I also gave up cursive in high school because I was faster at printing. My handwriting was apparently more legible in print but if you've ever seen my print writing, it's a jumble of cursive, calligraphy and wonky letters as I get the angle wrong while I rush myself to get it all out at once. I just simply don't care for my own handwriting. But when I do cursive, I tend to take my time because I want to be able to read it later.

I still have a lot of bad habits though. One of those being that my 'e' looks like 'c' and accidentally putting and 'e' on the end of the word 'with'. I don't know how or why I developed that little quirk but I did and it stuck.

Unlike Good Notes 4 and Notability, I have very little to say about Noteshelf and Noteshelf 2. There's just not a whole lot to say. I mean it has some fun features such as using emoji's and importing things but it's basically just a notebook. The emoji feature is fun for me because it feels like using stickers like in school but at the end of the day it's ultimately useless for me. Others might find it fun, but I prefer to draw my own stuff and work from there.

Noteshelf is good as a notebook. But if you're looking for something where you can make notes, hand write and create text or written documents that you can organise, use Notability.
