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Krita Experiment 1

I have been doing a lot of these but have been unable to record them. So for the first time in a long time I managed to record some art without any crashing from either Krita or Snagit.

My main experiment was the brush sizes and lag while recording. I prefer to do my blending with a particular paint brush and some times a variety of blurring blender brushes. Usually though it's just a standard smudge brush with a thick paint load.

One thing about Krita, I always seem to draw very dark and often use a lot of grey. It's funny how it works out like that but I like it. I find I can create saturated art a lot easier in Krita than any other art application which is important to me. I often like to do a lot of dark themed art but when I have the opportunity to use sparkly shiny things I tend to lose focus and create the exact opposite of what I was aiming for.

My next few experiments in the near future is animating in a painterly style in Krita and creating some animations with either After Effects, Moho or Live2D. Most likely it will be Moho since I don't think I can sub AE anymore and I think the free version of Live2D will cease to exist soon.
