So I had quite a hectic time with this. I had a 1yr subscription that I imported for retas studio. I tried making this animation in it since I learned it and I found that no matter the program or pencil and paper I still had the one issue that keeps coming up. Export, loss of quality and video editing. After spending days to make just this which I changed over to toonboom studio to complete, I realised that I am going to have to learn to use adobe after effects. And it's been so hard. It's been very overwhelming. Unfortunately I don't have the PC power to use it effectively which means both my PC and Laptop will need an upgrade =___= Still I am pretty determined to get 2D animation to work for me. I just WISH I had the money to buy toon boom animate or animate pro. But I don't so I'll just have to stick to using multiple programs. At the moment I am using Clip Studio Paint, Adobe After Effects, Toon Boom Studio and Flash. Just makes me glad that I can afford ad...