OpenToonz Animation Timelapse from Draconian Rain on Vimeo . I made this in hopes of showing others that you don't need to be in a studio or use fancy software to make animation with cool looking effects. It's a shame that so many people strongly believe that you need After Effects to create anything halfway decent. It's simply not true. All you need is passion, determination, motivation and a willingness to not only learn but be prepared to do problem solving. After you learn OpenToonz, your only real roadblock is yourself. Keep trying guys. Just keep at it and please always use freeware to learn animation first because so many people after they realise there is not "do it for me" option and find out that you have to do everything yourself, these people give up while others come to find that despite the results they absolutely hate the process and also give up. Don't waste your precious money on paid software until you are certain that animation i...
Digital art, animation and whatever else I am working on