I am happy to announce that I will be making a return to 3D modelling and what not. I have had to give it up for the past year due to system limitations and frequent crashing. The kind that does damage. Honestly I've been to frightened of killing my laptop so I gave it up for a little while. I am hoping to move all of my Blender knowledge to Modo. I used Modo Indie for a short while and I enjoyed it until the problems arose. But I have managed to get a lot of things fixed, added and removed so I am about to try again with either Blender or Modo. Now that Modo has allowed subscriptions on their full version of Modo I am more egar to try out new things. I have found in the past that to do certain things, Modo has an advantage and far less lag than Blender. And then there was the one year where after reopening Blender files, it would corrupt the file and this was before I got into the habbit of double saving. One save, and save a copy and only reopen the copy/backup. Now that was ...
Digital art, animation and whatever else I am working on